Hillsdale specializes in Canadian, U.S. and Global Equities with a focus on producing high quality investment strategies and delivering client service excellence.
Investment Philosophy and Process
The Hillsdale investment process embraces both fundamental and quantitative investment approaches, capturing the finest elements of these complementary perspectives. Built on more than two decades of research and development, Hillsdale’s proprietary process is evidence-based, adaptive and systematic.
Evidence-based: We discover, validate and deploy true drivers of equity return and risk. Our team devotes an enormous amount of effort to identifying and eliminating false signals.
Adaptive: Our process is flexible and forward-oriented, capable of quickly incorporating new inputs to validate, refine and create investment strategies.
Systematic: Our process is scalable and robust, with the ability to command a wide range of investment strategies and custom mandates, while still offering consistently high-quality results to all clients.

Hillsdale’s competitive advantage is atypical of the majority of quantitative managers. It lies not in a single philosophical view about how best to capture a broad set of factor premiums, but in a superior approach to quantitative modeling.
Capabilities at a Glance
Hillsdale’s current investment capabilities reflect the iterations and progress we have made in our process over the past decades. As always, we measure this progress with hard evidence, resulting in an ever higher benchmark for acceptance of our current work.

Canadian Equity
- Canadian Mega Cap Equity Strategy
- Canadian Core Equity Strategy
- Canadian All Cap Equity Strategy
- Canadian Small Cap Equity Strategy
- Canadian Micro Cap Equity Strategy
Global Equity
- Global Equity Strategy
- Global Small Cap Equity Strategy
- Global Income Strategy
U.S. Equity
- US All Cap Equity Strategy
- US Small Cap Equity Strategy
- US Micro Cap Equity Strategy
- US 130/30 Equity Strategy
Absolute Return
- Hedged Absolute Return Strategy
Managed Volatility
- Canadian Equity Minimum Risk Strategy
Return Premia
- Canadian Value Momentum Quality Strategy
- Canadian Quality Income Equity Strategy
- Canadian Momentum ESG Strategy
- US Small Cap Momentum Strategy

Our coverage of global market opportunities is exhaustive and uniquely multi-faceted. With it, we maximize the odds of delivering superior and repeatable excess returns for our clients in all market conditions.
Hillsdale offers customized ESG testing, screening and/or weighting in all its Canadian, U.S. and global active investment strategies for use by Canadian pension, foundation and endowment plans.
Hillsdale is co-author of "The Directors' E+S Guidebook", which provides practical insights and recommendations for effective board oversight of Environmental and Social matters.
Hillsdale has used Corporate Governance data in its security selection since 2012.
Custom Designed
Through our portfolio management services and proprietary asset allocation modeling, Hillsdale offers clients the ability to create and manage custom designed investment strategies that meet the specific needs of virtually any investor. An investor's unique risk and return objectives can be met through this customized process due to the low correlations among Hillsdale’s products.

For more information regarding our investment strategies and services, please contact Harry Marmer, EVP and Partner.